Monument to John Berkeley, Lord Berkeley victor of Stratton

St. Marys, Twickenham

Under this marble Lyes the renowned Ashes of the Right Honourable The Ld John Berkeley Baron of Stratton youngest son of Sr Maurice Berkeley of Bruton in Somersetshire. In the Civil Warres in the days of Charles ye 1st for his singulr Valour & Conduct In recovering ye City of Exeter out of the hands of the Rebels He was made Govenr thereof & one of His Majest Gener in ye West. Those unhappy Warres ended He served many Companyes in Flanders Both in the French & Spanish Armyes According as their allyances with England engaged him. After the happy restoration of Charles 2nd He was made Privy Councellor Governor of Connaught And the L Leiutenant of Ireland Sent Twice Extraordr Embassadr First into France 2nd to the treaty of NIMEGUEN His other Felicityes were Crowned By his happy marriage to Christina Daught of Sr Andrew Riccard A Young Lady of large Dowry & yet larger graces and virtues Who also enriched him with a most hopeful progeny He deceased Aug ye 26 : 1678 in ye 72 year of his Age