The Will of Catherine Berkeley of Worcester
widow of Roland B of Spetchley co. Worc.
Prob 11 157/38
In the name of God Amen I Catherine Barkley of the Citie of Worcester widowe late wife of Rowland Barkley late of Spechley in the Countie of Worcester Esqr decesed beinge at the present tyme of perfect memory and understandinge I praise Allmightie God, doe hereby make ordain and declare my last will and testament, and I doe revoke all other former and other wills first and principally I commend my soule unto Allmighty God and to his blessed and only Sonne Jesus Christ the messiar and Saviour of the world, hopeinge assuredly through the merritts of his death and passion t have remission of all my sinnes And to bee made partaker of life everlastinge My bodie I leave to the earth from whence it cameto be buried in decent manner accordinge to my degree desiringe that it maie be Laid in Spechley Church next to my dearest husbands body there accordinge to his last will in that behalf As concerninge such goods and worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased Allmighty god to blesse mee I doe will and dispose of the same as followeth, That is to saie I doe give and bequeth to every of my naturall sonnes and daughters which shall be liveinge at my death the some of one hundred poundes appece in token of my equall love and affection to every one of them Item I doe give and bequeath further to my eldest sonne William Barkley Esqr a Ringe of gold of fortie shillings p??? to his sonne Rowland Barkley ten poundes and the best of my three parcel guilt ringes To his daughter Catherine one hundred poundes, and the second best of my said three ringes
To his daughter Jane tenne pounds and my third parcell guilt ring To my second sonne Sr. Robert Barkley knight and one of his kings Majesties Serjeans at Lawe a Ringe of gold of fourtie shillings pure To every of his children liveinge at my death (if he shall have any such) fortie shillings a peece Item _______ I have lent to one John Wall the some of five hundred pounds for three yeares ______ ______ from the one and twentieth of August One thousand six hundred twentie eight and for ______________ of due payment thereof at the three yeares end, and of fortie pounds a year in the mean tyme the said John Wall conveighed to mee and to others by mee nominated in trust certaine lands tenements and hereditments in the Countie of Hereford as by the writinge and evidences thereof in my Custody mae appear My will and meaninge is that the said debt of five hundred pounds, and fortie pounds a year for the next three years be soe ordered and disposed by my Executors that my third sonne Edward Barkley and ny fouth sonne John Berkeley may have and receive the use or benefitt which shalbe made and receved of or for the said five hundred poundes equallie between them for and duringe theire severall respective natural lives only and that as occasion shall be offered the said five hundred pound shalbe out in buyinge of lands either lease or inheritance according to the __________ of my Executors One moity of which lands whether lease or inheritance shalbe and come to my said sonne Edward Barkley duringe his life only, and after his death to his sonne Robt. and the heires of his body to bee begotten And for default of such heires to my said sonne Edwards other children and the heires of their bodies And for default of such heires to my sonne Henry Barkleys children and the heires of their bodies And for default of such heires to my said sonne Henry And the other moity of the said lands to bee ________ _________ aforesaid shalbe and come to my said sonne John Barkley duringe his life only and after his death to the Children of my sonne Thomas Barkley and the heires of their bodies And for default of such heires to my sonne Thomas Barkley and the heires of their bodies And for default of such heirs to my said sonne Thomas Barkley and his heires Item I give and bequeth further to my fiveth sonne Henry Barkley before named one hundred pounds to bee by him distributed amongst his children To my sixt sonne Thomas Barkleys sonne Rowland Twentie pounds and my white silver greate salt & trencher salt thereto To his daughter Catherine one hundred pounds and a peece of plate To his daughter Anne tenne pounds, and my parcell guilt can To every of his other children lyvinge at my death fortie shillings apeece. To my eldest daughter dorothy Thornton my three guilt saltes and a doz. of spoones To her three sonnes Robt Rowland, and Thomas Wyeld ten poundes apeece To her daughter Margaret Fell five poundes To her daughter Katherine Skinner tenne poundes and apeece of plate To Margaret fells daughter Catherine five poundes and a peece of plate To my second daughter Catherine Worfields children livinge at my death five poundes a peece To my third daughter Elizabeth Crosbyes sonne Rowland tenne pounds To her daughter Elizabeth Lucas five pounds To her daughter Katherine Richardson five pounds and apeece of plate To her daughter Dorothy tenne poundes To Robt the sonne of Katherine Richardson five poundes To my fowerth daughter Ellen Frogmers childrenlivinge at my death fortie shillings apeece To my fiveth daughter Jane Stritons Children liveing at my death ten poundes apeece To her daughter Catherine Davys a peece of plate To my Sixth daughter Joane Brights sonne Robert five poundes to her three daughters fortie shillings apeece To her daughter Katherine Cliff a peece of plate To my seventh daughter Mary Wym?es sonnes George amd Rowland tenn pounds apeece, to her other children livinge at my death five poundes apeece To my eighth daughter Ann Moore my parcell guilt bason and One and a halfe a dozen of parcell guilt spoones which I bougth myself and my little silver bole To her children livinge at my death fortie shillings apeece And to my youngest and ninth daughter Joyce ???tons daughter Katherine Goldman five pounds and a peece of plate I doe also give and bequeth to every of my great grandchildren liveinge at my death and who have not any other legacie given them by this my will the some of fortie shillings apeece Item I do give and bequeeth my sonnes in Lawe Mr Thomas Moore Edmund Wy???? and Robert Crosby tenne poundes apeece Item I doe give and bequeth to my said daughter dorothy Thornton upon trust that she shall leave the some after her death to her eldest sonne and the heires of his house All my ?????? estate for yeares which shalbe unexpired at my death in St Martins croft and the lockt ????? ?????????
that my said daghter and her assigned shall yearely paye to the Churchwardens of St Martine parish in Worcester duringe the continuance of the said terme to the use of the poore of the said parish fortie shillings at Easter and Christmas by equall porcons And shall alsoe yearly paye to the corporacon of the sixe Mres (masters?) in Worcester to the use of the pore of the said Cittie ten pounds att the said feasts of Easter and Christmas be equall porcons duringe the continuance of the said terme the said tenne ponds a yeare to bee distributed by the size masters for the tyme being in such sort as Mr ?????es money is appointed to bee disposed And shall further yearly paye to the Churchwardens of Spechley duringe the continuance of the said terme to the use of the poore of the said parish in such sort as my sonne Sr. Robert Barkley or his heires shall appoint the some of five shillings and eight pence at Easter Item I doe give and bequeth to the Corporation of Weavers in Worcester the some of fiftie pounds they givinge theire deed of covenant to my Executors That the same shall bee equally lent to two oppore thriveinge and industrious younge men of the said parish of St Martins beinge Weavers or ???????? if there bee any such, if none then to tow other poor thriveinge and industriuos younge Tradesmen of the said parish in such sort for nomination and choice of the said younge men by my heires tyme of loane security for repayment and otherwise as is limited for the legacie of one hundred pounds bequethed and paid to the said corporation by the last will of my said deare husband Item I give and bequent to my sonne Henry Barkley his heires and assigned All such estate right and interest as I have in Elmeley? meadows in the county of Worcester Item I give and bequeeth to William one of my brother Richard Heywoods sonnes tenne pounds to bee paid hym at his age of twentie one years And my will is that in the meane tyme from my death, he shall have the use of the said tennt pounds after the rate of eight in the hundred Item whereas I have in my dwellinge house at Worcester good store of bedding, linne, pewter and other houshold stuffe I doe give and bequeeth the same severally to and amongst such of my children and their children for whom they shall be specially marked for such purpose or whom I shall in my life tyme nominate or appointe the same unto Item I give and bequeth my plate unbequethed in such manner as is expressed in a note to this my will in that behalf annexed Item I give and bequeth to my sonne William Barkeleys wife one of my gold rings And to my sonne Thomas Barkleys wife one other of my gold rings And to my nephew Robt. Wyldes wife twentie shillings to buy her a gold ringe Item I give and bequeth to my brother William Heywood a morning cloke and fortie shillings To Rowland Heywood my brother Richards eldest sonne a morninge gowna and five poundes To Raphaell one other of my said brothers sonnes a mourninge cloke and fortie shillings To Thomas one other of his sonnes a mourninge cloke and twentie shillings To Richard one other of his sonnes Twentie shillings to Elizabeth one of his daughters twentie shillings To James Tailor a morning cloke To his wife beinge one of my br Richards daughters fortie shillings and one of my best holy daie gownes and petticoates To Henry sone of Jame Tailor twentie shillings To my brother Richards widowe tewnite shillings To Robt Yardley a mourninge Cloke and fortie shillings To Dorothy Yardley a mourninge gowne and fortie shillings To John Badland twenite shillings To Henry ______ twenite shillings to Robt _______ Twentie shillings To Catherine one of my Sister _____ _____ daughters Twentie shillings To Ursula my brother Thomas Heywoods daughter twentie shillings, and one of my own wearinge gownes To Thomas Badland sonne of Raphael Badland firtie shillings To the parish Clarke of St Martins tenne shillings To my maide servants at my death a gowne and twentie shillings apeece To Larrance my sonne Sr Robt Barkleys servant if he soe continue at my death a mourninge cloke and twentie shillings To Susan the wife of John James of Spchley ten shillings To Winifride and dorothie my daughter Moores servants if they soe continue at my death ten shillings apeece To my Goddaughter Catherine daughter of Widow Bradford of White Ladies Aston twentie shillings To the parsons of St Martins and Spechley at the tyme of my death twentie shillings apeece Item I doe will and appoint That upon the daie of my funeralls the some of thirtie shillings to be dealt and disposed amongst the poore of the parish of St Martins in Worcester and the some of twentie shillings apece to every other parish in the Countie of the Citie of Worcester to bee distributed one the daie of my funeralls amongst theire poore And the some of tenn shillings amongst the poore of the parish of Spechley And I doe ...